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In this business initiative your objective is to compose, deliver and sell effective digital services to your end customers.
Digital Services are typically the first step of a connected services journey.
Digital Services involve access to a digital, “connected” solution, through which your end customers can obtain utilities and benefits in relation to the use of your product, thanks to IoT data.
The solution is provided through a Web or Mobile App. Access can be given for free or for a fee, through a digital subscription (see the specific Use Case below).
Within this initiative the digital capabilities of the DPS are aimed at end customers, through "customer views".

The container of your digital services: your (IoT) “Connected” Customer Portal

From your end customer's point of view, this type of solution can be found within your customer portal (which is in generale your digital touch point towards your end customers).
Do you already have a customer portal?
If you already have a customer portal, you can easily embed the digital, “connected” solution within it, thanks to the composability features of Servitly's DPS.
If you do not yet have a customer portal, Servitly's DPS already has all the data structures and capabilities needed to implement typical portal functions as well.
We can classify digital services according to the objective they pursue towards your end customer.

Remote Monitoring and Control

Allow your end customers to remotely monitor and control their product and receive notifications about relevant events
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Key capabilities within the DPS:
  1. Visualization of raw data, with period filtering
  1. Visualization of status data
  1. Visualization of product-specific synoptic schemes
  1. Remote control and configuration
  1. Alerts and notifications
  1. Product provisioning
Key configuration capabilities within the Console:
  1. Manage your product models
  1. Manage the definitions of your product digital twin models
  1. Manage the definitions of raw data for each digital twin model
  1. Manage the definitions of available remote commands and configuration parameters for each digital twin model
  1. Define and keep updated the rules for activating alerts and notifications
  1. Define and keep updated all the needed UI templates

Product Fleet Management

Help your customers monitor, configure and control their entire fleet of products
This use case is useful whether your end customers owns a fleet of products, either installed in one location or distributed across many locations.
Key capabilities within the DPS:
  • Manage and monitor multiple products in multiple locations
  • Geo-location of multiple products
  • Overall overview of the product fleet
  • Unified alerts
  • Bulk controls and updates
  • Customer-level and location-level users management

Aided Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Support your customers do the maintenance activities needed by the product and solve by themselves issues that may occur
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Value for the end customer:
  • to save time in the event of an issue, thus reducing the impact of the issue on their operations
  • to reduce the risk of downtime, by following usage-based, condition-based or predictive maintenance instructions designed by the OEM
Key capabilities within the DPS:
  1. Regularly process streamed data and detect issues
  1. Propose suggested remedies to help customers solve the issue by themselves
  1. Propose the necessary maintenance activities according to usage, conditions or predictions
  1. Keep track of executed activities and assess scheduling compliance
Key configuration capabilities within the Console:
  1. Manage and keep updated the set of rules that associate detected issues to suggested remedies
  1. Manage and keep updated the set of rules that associate maintenance activities to usage and detected conditions

Digital Performance Advisory and Reporting

Help your customers maximise the performances of their products
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Performance is a fairly broad topic and could be more specifically:
  • uptime
  • productivity
  • efficiency
  • sustainability
  • the quality of the output of your product
Key capabilities within the DPS:
  1. Regularly process streamed data and compute synthetic information (KPIs) about performances that are easy for your end customers to understand
  1. Give your end customers guidance on how to increase the performances
  1. Allow your end customers to verify and measure the positive impact of your suggested actions
Key configuration capabilities within the Console:
  1. Manage and keep updated the algorithms used to compute synthetic information (KPIs) about performances
  1. Manage and keep updated the set of rules that suggest performance-improving actions

Digital Subscriptions Management

Compose, sell and manage subscriptions to your Digital Services
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The objective of this use case is to generate revenue from the sale of digital services, thus allowing your end customers to access value-added digital capabilities of your digital solution only if they activate a paid subscription.
Key capabilities within the DPS:
  1. Offert digital capabilities according to the subscribed plan.
  1. Let your customers activate and manage their subscriptions and pay through integrated online payment solutions.
Key configuration capabilities within the Console:
  1. Package your digital services offering in subscriptions plans.