DPS Configuration Process

When addressing the first configuration of your DPS system or when performing a review to improve your existing system, we suggest you to divide the work in phases.
Each phase is characterized by:
  • a single layer to focus your attention on
  • a criteria of evaluation and completion
The phases corresponds broadly to main entries of the Servitly Console menu

Establishing the IoT connection

Before starting with the actual configuration we suggest you to establish and implement the method by which the connected products communicate with the DPS system.
For this purpose Servitly offers 2 main possibilities:
  1. a direct connection via MQTT
  1. Cloud-to-Cloud integration with a market IoT platform.


In the Appearance section you set every single detail that affects the appearance of your DPS system: images, graphics, labels and messages. You also manage all the translations needed to offer your system in different languages.
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In the Catalog section you define the catalog of all the product models that will be connected to the DPS system.
Every product model is represented by a Thing Definition.
Useful Help Center Resources: Thing Definition
The catalog is hierarchical, allowing you to easily manage many product families, series, models and sub models. The hierarchy allow you to work only on what is different and share what is common.


In the Properties section you extend the metadata of the DPS business objects.
You can add and edit:
  • Things properties
  • Customer properties
  • Location properties
  • Partner properties
  • User properties

RAW Data

In the RAW Data section you define all the metrics that a product sends to the DPS system.
Metrics are defined for each Thing Definition.

Computed Data

In the Computed Data section you can add new metrics that are computed taking RAW metrics as input.

Remote Control

In the Remote Control section you define all the possible commands and parameters that the DPS is allowed to send to a product.
Commands and parameters are defined for each Thing Definition.


An Event is any situation that occurred or is occurring right now on the product, or at a location, and that deserves to be tracked.
In the Events section you define all the possible event types you want to track and the conditions that allow the DPS system to detect them by processing data.
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The purpose of insights is to extract synthetic, interesting and actionable information from data and events.
Insights are implemented through Insight metrics.
An Insight metric is a calculated metric that clearly and quickly illuminate and summarize a certain topic that is interesting for the product-service stakeholders
Potentially, insight metrics can measure and illuminate on all topics of interest to product-service stakeholders: health, productivity, consumption, quality, etc.
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The purpose of Alerts is to raise the attention of the user on a particular event.


The purpose of Actions is to ask the user to perform a particular activity that is suggested or prescribed upon an Event. The DPS system then asks the user to confirm whether or not they have performed the activity.


Automations let the DPS automatically launch command on a connected product or trigger a workflow through an external information systems (like FSM, CRM, ERP) upon an event.


In the Service section you define the Service Levels composing your service offering and their pricing.
Once you have defined Service Levels you can restrict the visibility of certain features of your DPS system only to customers who have purchased a specific Service Level.
Your connected products can also call the DPS system and request which level is associated with them. Based on the response they can unlock certain features.


In the Interfaces section you configure the organization, layout and content of any page of the DPS system.
Pages are organized in Views. Each View is dedicated to a single persona.
We recommend you focus on one view at a time.
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