An Event is any situation that occurred or is occurring right now on the product, or at a location, and that deserves to be tracked.
In the Events section you define all the possible event types you want to track and the conditions that allow the DPS system to detect them by processing data.


  • Event instance: a single occurrence of an event that happened at a given moment in time
  • Event type (or Event definition): the type of event that occurred
  • Event class: a higher level for classifying event types

Event classes

We classify event types in these classes:
  1. failure → the product is blocked, down, unavailable
  1. major anomaly → the product is still working but something wrong has happened that affects product health and could potentially cause a failure in the short term; a short term action is needed to avoid this risk
  1. minor anomaly → the product is still working but something wrong has happened that could potentially affect product health in the long term; there is no risk of short term failure, therefore a programmable action is enough to deal with this case
  1. operation → these are operational events that are not the main ones
  1. work session (or job) → these represent the jobs that the product performed and for which it was designed and purchased
  1. maintenance → a maintenance operation has been performed on the product

Event instances creation

Event instances can be created in the DPS system in two ways:
  1. detected automatically by processing RAW Data → a condition is checked against past values
  1. inserted manually by a user → a widget is exposed to the user

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